TBOBL storyboards
Found mold in an old sketchbook, so decided to exhume a project before burning:storyboards for an animated TV show I created. Summary, James is a know-it all-kid who gets smacked in the mouth, falls off a treehouse, and wakes up in another world as an adult with a giant lip. Verbal communication impossible as James tries to find a way home. Yeah, real family fun movie....
Found mold in an old sketchbook, so decided to exhume a project before burning: storyboards for an animated TV show I created. Couldn't just scan and post, had to play around with it in Photoshop.
Summary, James is a know-it all-kid who gets smacked in the mouth, falls off a treehouse, and wakes up in another world as an adult with a giant lip. Verbal communication impossible as James tries to find a way home. Yeah, real family fun movie....