OOTG Mag Illustrations
Out of the Gutter Magazine issue #4.
Illustration for short story 'A Darker Shade of Grey'
Story summary: a soldier returns stateside and a stripper sets him up for a crime. Created source material from life drawing using charcoal and white chalk. Manipulated in Adobe Photoshop. Font is Chunk from League of Moveable Type.

Illustration for the short story 'We're All Made Here'
Story summary: a homeless teen extracts revenge on an abusive stepfather. Source material is burned paper, rubbings on a gasoline can, and stencils. Manipulated in Adobe Photoshop. Font is Impact.

Illustration for the short story 'Rules'
Story summary: how to rob a crack house. Illustyration created in Adobe Illustrator. Manipulated in Adobe Photoshop. Layout by OOTG Editor-in-Chief, Matt Lewis.