MFH video: storyboards to 3D video
My duties: scriptwriting, storyboard artist, visual design, motion graphics, and editing.
How it begins:
From a storytelling metaphor, every client's service or product is a character. My job is to learn from them what the character is and incorporate it into a story arc. This is a listening and discovery process, because the client is the professional and expert in their field. This is not a brand dialogue of what they are to the world, how they want to be seen, etc. This is simply what is it that you do? Why do you do it better than your compitition? Why should I hire your service or purchase your product? I take lots of notes and make quick sketches.

I research the product and technology, determine the character is the McAda Truck which provides a service that is unique because of it's deployment abilities and technological capabilities. It does stuff faster, better, and more cost-efficiently in the long-term then competitors trucks. I write this information into script knowing the audience is a broad-range of technical and financial decision-makers. I run the script up a tree.

Storyboard making:
I combine rough sketches, script, and brand guidelines into shots to tell the client's story. Artwork is created in Illustrator and combined with direction in InDesign.
Illustrator is used because it is vector. If a client falls in love with a panel/artwork and wants it blown up to a billboard or shrunk to a web banner or animatedv(see below), I can translate it quickly.
Next, I supply the client with a pdf and physical copies because people like to pin it up to see the entire project. The client reviews, red pens, and shuffles. I revise until the story is complete. Understand, I am responsible for version control and tracking: sometimes a detail from an earlier version might need revisiting.

I take the Illustrator assets into After Effects and animate for the client to approve.
Lower-3rds and Text Treatment:
I research the audience and determine the video may be seen more on mobile devices at a remote wellsite or across a convention floor, so there is no guarentee of speakers or audio getting the message across. Though it hurts to layover the animation, getting the selling points of McAda's services is more important than animator's tears. Here are 4 of several options I supply the client.
Client approves storyboard, Industrial 3D creates videos, and send them back to me for motion graphics.
This process is used on 4 more videos.
Additional services I provided Sparklecreative for McAda Fluids Services: Export to Vimeo, Youtube, and create a DVD. Create a Youtube, G+, and Vimeo landing page. Supply Google adsense codes. Get music rights from Killertracks and have the videos "white lit" on Youtube to communicate with Googles Content ID to prevent ads from popping up. Provide keywords and page descriptions. Create UX and PSD comps for McAdafluidsheating. website. Create responsive WP site for