Clients request icons designed to represent a product, service, or concept. These have been used in print, branding, social media, and motion graphics.
Icons for UX
What says UX more than whiteboard markers? Always wonder why icons are condemn to one color.

Icon for Austin Urology Institute
AUI was participating in World Vasectomy Day. Used in social media campaigns. Could be turned into an Astroid's video game...

Icons for Cisco's Services Technology Incubation Center
The team's products were abstract and need visual defination so after research I created these in Adobe Illustrator CS6, and a series of revisions, these were approved. These icons are used in print, web, and video.

Used in PPT slides

Icons for Cisco's Services Technology Incubation Center website
These were additional icons needed for an internal website. My process is to supply my clients with multiple options that they can narrow down what's may be in their heads and they red pen what works or doesn't.

Icons for Luminex Video
I took an ugly visio flowchart explaining stages of repairing a Luminex machine and made these:

Icons given Motion Graphics treatment in this video I shot, edited, and animated.
Icons for University of Texas Tele-Campus
This was a great challenge to interpret very abstract ideas into visual references.